Google Maps Unveils Exciting AI Featues & Updates for Easier and Eco-Friendly Travels

google maps exciting ai features

Google Maps has been a game-changer in how we explore the world, and its recent updates are making it even more user-friendly and sustainable. With features like Immersive 3D Views, Real-time Object Identification with Google Lens, and new search functionalities, Google Maps is empowering users to plan trips, make eco-friendly choices, and discover exciting things to do. Let’s delve into these updates and see how they enhance the overall user experience.

Immersive 3D Views in Google Maps AI

google map ai immersive view

One of the standout features is Immersive 3D Views, which lets users preview their routes in a whole new way. Imagine wanting to bike along the water to the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco. With Immersive View, you can request cycling directions and tap into a stunning preview that guides you visually from start to finish. The feature is currently rolling out in various cities, including Amsterdam, Barcelona, London, and Tokyo. It’s available on both Android and iOS devices.

Immersive View for places has also been improved, allowing users to get a sneak peek of restaurants or landmarks through a fusion of Street View and aerial images. Moreover, developers can now create their immersive experiences with the launch of Photorealistic 3D Tiles in Google Maps Platform.

Real-time Object Identification with Google Lens

google map real time object tracking with google lens

Real-time Object Identification with Google Lens is an innovative feature integrated into Google Maps that enhances users’ understanding of their surroundings. This feature, formerly known as Search with Live View, combines the capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR) to provide quick and accurate information about nearby points of interest.

Imagine you’re in a new city, just exiting a subway station, and you’re unsure about your surroundings. This is where Real-time Object Identification comes into play. By simply tapping the Lens icon in the search bar of Google Maps and lifting your phone, you can utilize the power of AI to identify and provide information about various objects in your vicinity.

The real-time nature of this feature makes it a valuable tool for users on the go. Whether you’re a tourist exploring a new destination or a local discovering hidden gems in your neighborhood, Real-time Object Identification with Google Lens adds a layer of convenience and information to your navigation experience within Google Maps.

Find Inspiration with New Search Features

find inspiration with search features

Google Maps AI is evolving its search capabilities to provide users with more answers and inspiration. When searching for specific activities or places, the results now include photo-first suggestions based on billions of photos shared by the Google Maps community. This visual list helps users discover new spots and plan their activities seamlessly. The enhanced search feature is initially rolling out in France, Germany, Japan, the U.K., and the U.S., with plans for further expansion.

For those spontaneous moments when you have a free weekend and no specific plans, Google Maps is introducing better-organized search results to spark your imagination. Thematic suggestions for activities and dining will be available globally on Android and iOS in the coming weeks.

Reduce Charging Anxiety with EV Information

ev charging

Electric vehicle (EV) drivers often face “charging anxiety,” not knowing where they can charge their vehicles during a trip. Google Maps is addressing this concern by providing more comprehensive charging station information. Users can now see whether a charging station is compatible with their vehicle and the charging speed (fast, medium, or slow). This information is crucial for EV drivers to find the most suitable charging station for their needs.

To further alleviate charging concerns, users can check when a charger was last used, helping them avoid wasted time on broken chargers. These updates are globally rolling out on both iOS and Android wherever EV charging station information is available.

Developers can also benefit from these enhancements, as EV charging information will be accessible in the Places API on Google Maps Platform. This means that companies can integrate real-time EV charging station information into their websites and apps.

You can learn more about these features in this official page where Google has explained all the AI features in Google Maps and its usage.


Google Maps continues to evolve, providing users with innovative and user-friendly features. Whether you’re planning a trip, exploring a new city, or driving an electric vehicle, the latest updates enhance your experience, making navigation easier, promoting sustainable choices, and inspiring exciting adventures. As Google Maps harnesses the power of AI, it remains at the forefront of transforming how people navigate and explore the world.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is making significant strides across major applications, and it’s exciting to learn that Google is integrating AI functionalities into its widely-used apps, such as Google Maps. This inclusion of AI features enhances the overall user experience. Notably, other companies, including Amazon, are also embracing AI in their offerings. For instance, Amazon has recently introduced Amazon Q, a tool similar to ChatGPT, catering to the needs of its business users.

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